Simple RSS Creation on Feedity

>> Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In this present time webcasting innovates for the sake of Internet marketing campaign and it really design to make in an easy way for the readers. That’s why RSS feed is very popular for syndication marketing. But how can we achieve all of these processes. Is there an alternative to create RSS in an easy way? The answer is YES. RSS creation can be made in a simple process. Feedity RSS creation is big help to start your website in syndication marketing.

The summary content of your website will help to gain more readers and it will help to gain page rank. Since RSS feed is the new trend, you should analyze first the appropriate title, description and tags or keyword for the better headlines. As RSS feed is the new trend of micro headlines to your website, PC and cellphone. These are the processes for RSS creation. Just go to Feedity and sign up there and use your email address after that you can start your RSS feed creation. Remember you have only ten RSS feed for one email address.

Step 1:

Click the “create new feed” then copy your website URL it should be static link and paste into the URL box and after that click the “preview” for the next process.

Step 3:

Setting up the appropriate category for your website and after setting on it click the “Get feed” button. If you notice that there is a side that says “simple refine” its for filtration for the better summary content title.

Step 4:

You’re almost done on this process, just click on the link area then the RSS feed URL will display. Copy the RSS feed URL and submit it on the different RSS submission tools.


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