How to Combine RSS Feeds Using Yahoo Pipes

>> Monday, January 25, 2010

Nowadays website content summary or known as RSS feed has been exploding to get on top in different search engine. The RSS creations have been developed in algorithm and map it manually. Every website link has its own URL feed which able to syndicate the content summary of a certain website. If you have ten or twenty website map link you have also ten or twenty RSS feed URL and you have to submit it manually on the different RSS submission site tools. Those twenty RSS feed is enough to create web campaign and webcast your product or any promotional activity. You can create RSS feed through this RSS feed generator which is Feedity. And after that you can combine RSS feed using Yahoo Pipes. These are the following process:

Go to your Yahoo Pipes creator for RSS feed combination.

Drag the “Fetch Feed” tool on the creation area. After that copy and paste your RSS feed URL on the URL fetch feed then click the “+” to add more URL box. If the process has been done set the properties on the right side. The properties are title, description and tags.

Then connect the connecting process by holding the mouse one on the process tool. After that the loading process will display. Next to that is “SAVE” your Yahoo Pipes after saving click the “Run Pipes” link and it will proceed to your Yahoo Pipes page. The important thing is don’t forget to “Publish” your Yahoo Pipes and get your feed by click the “Get as RSS” icon then submit your RSS Feed in different RSS site tools. Remember used the default title, description and tags for RSS submission.


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