Bisaya Comic Strip

>> Monday, July 26, 2010

A comic strip is a series of drawings arranged in organized panels to display brief humor or form a narrative way, often sequential, with text in balloons and captions above. In the 20th century and into the 21st, these were in print and publicize in newspapers, with horizontal strips printed in black-and-white in daily newspapers as part of our daily read, despite the fact that Sunday newspapers offered longer series in special color comics sections.

There were able to produce about 200 different comic strips and daily cartoon sheets in American newspapers each day. We back in 20th century for a total of at least 7,300,000 episodes comic strip. Nowadays comic strip is part of our daily life to give some humorous situation and it will unwind our tire thoughts of reading some unsolved issued in the society. Selling comic books online is a big profits.

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